About Us

A Place Where Preloved Books Are Given A New Home
Tired of seeing so many books being tossed into the bin, unloved and wasted, I decided to repurpose them into literary art! This was the perfect way to help keep my mind busy when my mental health wasn't in a good place... After a lot of encouragement from family and friends, I took the plunge and decided to sell my items.
What started as a hobby quickly grew into a full-time job with a team of helpers! We are constantly expanding the collection of our handmade exclusive items and accommodating bespoke order requests.
We have grown in capacity and are thrilled to stock a range of literary inspired products from various bookish brands that we love! These items compliment our handmade products, and are the perfect little bookish extras!
From beautiful handmade treasured gifts, home decor, wedding items and more! Unique and creative, all our products showcase tales as old as time...
Ursula Long
Founder and Owner of A Long's Story
Me and my beautiful Sister at my first craft fayre